Bits & Pretzels

Small glas bottle which is normally used to store vaccine

Bits & Pretzels

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29. September 2024  •   München  •   10:00

Founders, investors, and industry leaders are flocking to Munich during Oktoberfest to do business and raise their beer steins.

During three days at the end of September, business and socializing combine at Bits & Pretzels in the Bavarian capital. On the first two days, start-ups and investors have ample opportunity to meet and present themselves at the main conference. There is a Startup Academy for young companies, and 500+ speakers share their know-how on 10 stages. On the third day, partnering continues at the Oktoberfest itself: 250 experts host designated tables where attendees can book sessions. A dizzying 15,000 founder-investors meetings are held during Bits & Pretzels, with every 5th attendee being an investor. There’s a waitlist, but you can try to get on it at


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