The human body contains cells that have exceptional self-healing properties. Therapies based on these cells form the foundation of ‘living medicine’ which focuses on treating previously incurable diseases. SaxoCell®, a cluster of leading research institutes, hospitals and industry partners in Saxony, has recognized the potential of these so-called ‘living drugs’ to change lives by delivering safer, more effective and affordable therapies. SaxoCell is channeling regional innovations towards the design, production and application of specialized cells with precise targets and functions. The vision is to bring this field of gene and cell therapy together with artificial intelligence, automation, and regulatory expertise from science and industry to establish a one-of-a-kind value chain and industry in Saxony. SaxoCell is one of the winners of the innovation competition “Clusters4Future” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), from which it is receiving funding.
Cell and gene technology is one of the most innovative areas of modern medicine, and Leipzig is one of its central hubs. So-called ‘living drugs’ have the potential to prevent and treat life-threatening diseases. Researchers and companies from Leipzig are hard at work to bring these treatments to patients around the world.