Health insurance Hack&Con

Health insurance Hack&Con

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4. September 2024  •   DESIGN OFFICES Leipzig Post  •   14:00

Around 80 million citizens are insured through Germany’s health insurance providers. The 6th edition of HEALTH INSURANCE HACK&CON, a unique format that combines the creativity of a hackathon with the knowledge-sharing of a conference, is specifically tailored towards innovations within this system. Participants are looking for new solutions to further improve healthcare and the satisfaction of German policyholders.

For two and a half days, motivated innovators can actively shape the future of health insurance with their creative ideas, in-depth expertise, and strong hands-on mentality. While the hackathon gives off start-up vibes, the conference offers a roster of inspiring speakers. Plenty of specialized workshops, coaching sessions and networking opportunities round the event off – and there is even a FuckUp night for sharing stories of failure and revival.


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