(Hyper)Spectral Imaging

Robotic hand with various joints and cables which holds a scalpel

(Hyper)Spectral Imaging


During minimally invasive surgery, cutting-edge imaging technology can give physicians more and better visual information to base decisions on. Medical spectral imaging makes the invisible visible to surgeons – and can improve outcomes for patients.

This R&D team is taking medical spectral imaging to the next level: Their computer-aided surgery solutions are non-invasive and easy to use. A combination of live video and hyperspectral images (HSI) allows surgeons to assess tissue perfusion and identify risk structures in real time during an operation.

Intraoperative ex-vivo evaluation using hyper spectral imaging

Leipzig is home to a wide variety of highly educated medical and technology experts. They laid the groundwork for the medical spectral imaging success story, together with these players:

  • Leipzig’s Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS) not only provided invaluable technical know-how, but was also instrumental in connecting the venture with corporate partners who were able and willing to integrate the new technologies into products
  • Collaborators at Leipzig University Hospital played a key role in defining the medical requirements and clinically evaluating the imaging systems
  • Leipzig University provided a fertile environment for the recruitment of students

In addition, collaboration with the two German corporate partners was made easy thanks to Leipzig’s central location and excellent infrastructure – proving that this vibrant metropolis has much to offer young ventures.

The team has helped develop technologies such as the TIVITA® Mini, the world’s first certified endoscopic spectral imaging device. By combining color video and spectral imaging, it can help improve surgical decision-making and thus enhance patient outcomes.

(Hyper)Spectral Imaging

The Leipzig University-based team of researchers and physicians has been working to advance medical spectral imaging since 2019. They collaborated with the corporate partner Diaspective Vision GmbH in the development of the endoscopic spectral imaging device TIVITA® Mini, which is marketed by KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG. A software platform for the visualization and analysis of the spectral images is pending. More Info: www.iccas.de/projekte/hsi/


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