says INNO3 co-founder and CEO Ilka Dekan. “Since we see collaboration as a core aspect for innovation, the city is an excellent starting point for this process of transformation,” adds co-founder Björn Degenkolbe.
Case Study
Case Study
The healthcare sector is in the midst of a challenging transfor-mation process. INNO3 is re-thinking health by providing the industry with client-focused and sustainability-based solutions to drive and enable innovations that will shape the future.
INNO3 has a vision: to promote sustainable transformation in the healthcare industry. The start-up’s goal is to help companies reach their full potential by leveraging all aspects of sustainability within the organization – thus enabling them to build patient-centric products and solutions with a high value-add.
Even before its founding, Leipzig was the epicenter of INNO3’s growing network of healthcare companies and start-ups. The city continued to provide access to vital partners, including:
The City of Leipzig supported the digital pioneer, which also benefits from the city’s proximity to Berlin, numerous coworking spaces and attractiveness as a place to live.
says INNO3 co-founder and CEO Ilka Dekan. “Since we see collaboration as a core aspect for innovation, the city is an excellent starting point for this process of transformation,” adds co-founder Björn Degenkolbe.
INNO3 is making the healthcare sector fit for the future: FITS (Future model for organizational innovation, transformation & sustainability) is improving outcomes by helping companies integrate sustainability into their strategy, design and processes.
Founded in Leipzig in 2021, INNO3 already has exciting plans for the future. One is the Health Innovation Center Leipzig, a real-life hub for developing and testing cross-sector innovations for healthcare. Currently being built in the heart of Leipzig, its goal is to establish an innovation community that will thrive on the many-faceted competencies of its participants. Learn more at
The Smart Infrastructure Hub Leipzig will receive a further 1,9 million euros from the cluster funding of the Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs.
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